September 6, 2009

What to do with 10 pounds of tomatillos; or, The reluctant reform of a chocaholic

My partner and I joined a CSA for the first time this summer.  We'd been excited about the idea for awhile , and so we have enjoyed the weekly vegetable surprise: what will we get to cook this time?  The share forces us to figure out new dishes to make that use up the particular vegetables we received, which is nice when we've been stuck in a dinner rut.  

It also forces us to eat our vegetables.  A lot of vegetables.

As part of the share, members are allowed to go to the farm itself and pick various vegetables.  Which is what we did this weekend.  This is what we brought home:

So what to do with 10 pounds of tomatillos??  The answer: make salsa verde.  The only answer, it seems.  There aren't many other recipes out there.  We have 4 containers of salsa verde in the fridge and freezer.  And still 4 more pounds of tomatillos.

All of this can be a little overwhelming for someone like me, who has had to work very hard to acquire a taste for vegetables.  In the last four weeks, we've made 5 eggplant dishes.  I didn't even used to like eggplant.  And yet, as I type this, there is an eggplant roasting in the oven.   I can smell its eggplantiness.  For lunch today, we ate seven different vegetables, all from the farm.  

Amazingly, I actually liked every one.

But there's no substitute for chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for vegetables!
    Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is good for the land, the environment, the farmers, healthful eating in the community, and apparently for increasing cooking skills. Good things all.
