October 27, 2009

Nothing says "getting older" like injuries that won't go away

I've finally come of age.  Not the first coming, when you hit 21 and are finally allowed to walk into a bar and legally drink a beer.  The second coming, when you manage to stress some body part and it just.  Won't.  Get.  Better.

In my case, it's the sesamoid bone (no, I'm not making it up--possible the doctor is), which is a small, round bone in the ball of your foot beneath your big toe.  It started hurting some time back in April, while I was playing soccer with (shout out!) the Mercer Metros.  It was one of those "huh, I think I'm in pain" moments that I forgot about after the game.  Until the next game, when I was reminded.  I kept playing, because we were short on subs last season, but thanks go a generous school health system, went to see the doctor after several weeks of this.  (An ounce of protection!  Senators, take note.)  The doc said it was the sesamoid, and to take ibuprofen, use an innersole, and stop running for awhile.

Okay.  Easy 'nough.  Done.

But the pain still.  Won't. Get. Better.

Every so often I go on a test jog, see how it's holding up.  I even went to a podiatrist (who gave me exactly the same advice as the first doc.  Where's the medical miracle when you want one?)  But the bone remains unhappy, and running remains painful, which is annoying because it's the easiest way to get a little exercise, and I need my exercise to be easy.  Why won't it get better?  Isn't 27 too young for unhealing injury?

Guess not.